
Translation note:

I translated this chapter as a protest statement; I think this was the perfect opportunity to reveal the character names, and yet, in the original version, the names are still not revealed. And as much as I like the series, I think this is unacceptable. So I went ahead and assigned the names I think fit them best. For Takagi, to me the only fitting name is Chiharu (千ζ˜₯). For Nishikata, it's less obvious, but it feels like he should have a simple, traditional name, so Ichirou (δΈ€ιƒŽ), which just means 'first boy' (of the family).
If you feel you've been deceived, sorry about that :)

I have no problem with the idea of not providing the characters' names, but to tease that much, that late in the series, and still not revealing them, I think that's just disrespectful to the readers. In fact, unless he plans to change this in the manga version, I think I'll just stop following the series altogether.
